Amazon Milk Frog Doodle

The task of doodling has been very peaceful and I am enjoying it quite a bit!  I have now completed 4 frog doodles and I am left with a feeling of what to do with these doodles.  After looking around real quick, the possibilities are endless!

I could create an adult coloring book like:

516woUfQLrL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Adult Coloring Book

Or instead of this one being Doodle Dogs it could be Frog Doodles!

61AqF6J6SXL._SX384_BO1,204,203,200_Doodle Dogs

I could create a series of wall art

il_570xN.740058001_1716Elephant Wall Art

Or put them available for Instant download:

il_570xN.789910633_lz7dBlack and White Doodle Damask Fish

I could create a Frog Car Decal or wall decals:

41b6LCzhrXLPink Frog Car Decal

Or give it to others to use as a Tattoo (see some others here)


Fish Doodle Tattoo

Or even find someone to embroider it on a pillow for me

il_fullxfull.235926868Embroidered Pillow

Well until I figure out what to do with them, I will just keep doodling away.  Here is my latest doodle.  It is of the Amazon Milk Frog.  This is definitely one of my favorite doodles.  I could easily see this as a framed work hanging in the frog room.

milk frog

Now the real question, What would you do with these doodles?

Today’s post is part of the #30postshathSept challenge, post #16!  I am excited that I will be able to make it to the 20 post minimum, but would have liked to been able to get to 30.

Like “The Frog Lady” on facebook or follow aapanaro on instagram to get some sneak peeks into the frog lady’s frog room!  


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